How To Be Productive During Summer

by - Friday, June 09, 2017

Hey Y'all! Welcome or Welcome back to my blog! I hope you stick around and follow me on social media!  Everyone knows that one the the rules of being a #GirlBoss is staying productive. This can be really hard at times, especially during the summertime. I find it so hard all the time to beat procrastination, but today I will be sharing 10 tips on how I stay productive in the summer time!

1. Use A Planner
This may seem really generic because it seems like everyone says this, but it's so true! 
Whether you use a planner, agenda, notebook, post-it notes, your phone or whatever else you feel fits you best. Just plan out your day and make a to-do list. Trust me, every time you cross things off you will most likely feel more motivated to keep on going! I personally use the Day Designer Planner from Target because it's perfect for me since I'm not a super busy gal and the price is very reasonable.

2. Treat Yo' Self
I find that whenever I tell myself if I get whatever I have to do done and have a treat waiting for me when I'm done, I ALWAYS feel more motivated. It doesn't have to be anything big, just your favorite candy bar is fine.

3. Turn On Some Jams 
Having a playlist with your favorite music is a must! I find it so much fun to listen to music whether it's before or during when I'm working.
4. But First, Coffee
Almost everyone I know drinks coffee to wake up in the morning, but personally I feel like coffee doesn't work for me at all. Smoothies are usually what I have in the morning, I just think the whole process of making a smoothie wakes me up a lot more.

5. Know When To Multitask
Unless your an expert at multitasking, then watching a movie and doing homework can be hard. I'm defiantly not saying that you can't multitask, but just work on the easier things when multitasking.

6. Get Rid Of Distractions
Yes, I'm taking about the social media. I am someone who gets distracted a lot and I always find myself procrastinating EVERYTHING. When I get rid of my distractions I feel motivated to finish and go back to my social media, or whatever show I was watching before.

7. Prioritize Your Task
This one is pretty straightforward and used a lot. I put the task that take a little bit more time somewhere in the middle of my list. Most of the time this is a good way to keep me on track, especially if something has to be done by a certain time.

8. Don't Overwhelm Yourself 
Try not to put more on your plate than you can handle, because then you will be exhausted and not want to have any more productive days

9. Have a Set Routine
Having a routine is essential. If you wake up at different times and just do whatever you want every morning, you'll not want to do anything when you have things to.

10. Wake Up Early
Sleeping in is the best, especially during the summer. I find it really hard to do more if i wake up later in the day. If I'm up in the morning, then I might as well make use of the time. Just make sure your getting lots of sleep the night before if you're getting up super, because you want to be productive and not exhausted!

That is a wrap for this post, I hoped you enjoyed and will use these tips to stay productive this summer!

Now it's your turn to let me know what tips you have on staying productive in the comments.

Thanks for reading & see you next time!

make sure you follow my social media accounts!

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